First Date

Logline: A recently widowed farmer doesn’t want her daughter to move back to the city, leaving her alone. When a young man appears in a taxi for a date, she quickly intervenes

Synopsis: Tina (62) is not dealing well with the loss of her wife. She’s not sure how to navigate life alone. This turns into a crisis when she discovers her daughter JACKIE (27) has invited city boy SEAMUS (29) for a date at their farm. As Seamus arrives to the farm entrance in a taxi driven by the bight and bubbly ELLIE (58), Tina lures him into the cattle trailer and locks it, abandoning him in a far-flung field. As Tina and Jackie sit down to the dinner prepared for the date, Tina is shaken when Ellie arrives back to the farm with a bottle of wine that Seamus left in her taxi. Scrambling for an excuse to explain Seamus’ disappearance to Ellie and Jackie, Tina breaks away to release Seamus from the trailer. She gets caught in the act when Jackie catches her waving an axe at Seamus. Realising what has happened, Jackie packs her bags and leaves the farm with Seamus and Ellie, disgusted by Tina’s behaviour. That night, as Tina despairs at her lonely fate, Ellie returns to the farm. The two women talk beside a bonfire and Ellie shares her own experience of loss and loneliness, as well as providing Tina with a token of forgiveness from Jackie. This gives Tina renewed hope for the days ahead, leading her to believe that perhaps she may not have to be alone after all.

Director: Clara Planelles

Producer: Pete Moles

Writer: Áine Ryan

Cast: Aisling O’Sullivan, Carrie Crowley,Daithí O’Donnell, Johanna O’Brien

WATCH: Disney Plus, RTÉ Player